The Pro8mm Challenge Entry Form
Email address__________________________________________________________
Shipping Address_______________________________________________________
Payment Information check______ credit card______
Billing Address of Card __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Visa___ MasterCard___ American Express___
Card Number____________________________________________
EXP Date_________________ CRV Code _____
Entry Fee $108.00 OPTIONAL
T SHIRT $18.00 each S M L XL XXL ___________
(9.25% tax added to all California residents) ___________
TOTAL $___________
After you enter, you will reveive a film stock list, frame set up form, submission form, and talent release form.
1. One roll of film per entry fee.
2. All projects must be made on a single roll of Pro8mm with in camera editing only.
3. Each entry will receive a Data DVD disk copy.
4. We will send you a submission form that must be sent in with the roll before we process it, along with your frame set up form and talent release form.
5. Deadline for submission is January 1, 2010. Late entries will not be accepted..
6. All film original becomes the property of Pro8mm and will not be returned, until after the competition with both parties signing a release.
7. Pro8mm has the right to include your project in part or whole on our demo reel, website, internet, Youtube, and any other marketing or promotional means. Credit will be given if your project is selected.
8. Your submission certifies that you have all rights associated with your project. Pro8mm will not be held liable and will be held harmless for damages resulting from your project, including, but not limited to talent or copyright violations.
I have read and agree to the guidelines stated above and authorize Pro8mm to charge my credit card for the entry fee of $108.00 plus any optional items that I designated.
Signed___________________________________________________________ date____________
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Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!
iMarque - Form Processing
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